Thyroid disorders and their effect on cognitive function, mood and emotions
Dr Mark Vanderpump on Thu 14 JanA healthy thyroid plays a vital part in brain chemistry, so we should not be surprised that a thyroid disorder can cause unpredictable mood changes. For example those with an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can suddenly feel tense and anxious. They may experience panic attacks, impatience, be overactive and have an exaggerated sensitivity to noise.
What time should I take my Levothyroxine?
Dr Mark Vanderpump on Wed 19 AugThere are very few guidelines in terms of the timing of taking Levothyroxine. Here's the latest thinking
Do I have a goitre?
Dr Mark Vanderpump on Tue 4 AugGoitres are a visible thyroid swelling which can occur with an overactive, underactive or normally functioning thyroid gland.
Treatment of Primary Hypothyroidism and the L-T4/L-T3 debate
Dr Mark Vanderpump on Thu 25 JunTreatment of Primary Hypothyroidism and the L-T4/L-T3 debate
The 2015 position statement of the BTA
Could you have Hypothyroidism?
on Thu 30 AprOne million British women have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Many more may not realise that they have the condition.